and so it goes...: perspective



4 hours of check-in/security/anticipation
10 hours of flight
7 hours of layover
5 hours of flight
1 hour of security/luggage check in

. . . .

i know people do this regularly....and willingly....

but i wonder how many of them actually look out the window...

flying over greece-ish at 3:00am, i watched what appeared to be a thunderstorm. no turbulence at it must have been far away....but it was incredible. huge cumulonimbus clouds flashed and dimmed in front of those heavenly paparazzi (shout-out to my journalism friends). and i was suddenly aware of my own smallness. from this altitude, i could see entire cities at a time (because it was dark, and i could only see things that were lit). someone's 20 minute drive on the highway was less than the length of my thumb. (insert albert einstein's theory of relativity here)

how mind-blowing is it to worship a God who is "in the plane" and "on the ground" simultaneously? how awesome that He can embrace the details of the individual and the chaos of entire communities?!


so i'm officially in jerusalem now. more on my living situation to come in the near future.

p.s. the keyboard that i'm typing on has hebrew letters on the keys....


Mom said...

It's a good thing you know Hebrew. I'm glad you made it safely.

Mom said...

The mom that just posted is not really her but very similar. =)

aunt said...

This is the real mom, glad you made it!

keast said...

so i'm understanding the mom/aunt from cousin's perspective, yes?

Anonymous said...

what a great bit of perspective! glad you made it safe friend!!!

Anonymous said...

how is it that i had no clue you had a blog?! I love you friend and will be praying for you on your wonderful/exciting travels! can't wait for the stories!

Laurie said...

COUSIN! You're in Israel! Love your blog...Love you! Have fun!

Amber Woods said...

heavenly paparazzi. nice. ;)