and so it goes...: day 2? or maybe 3....


day 2? or maybe 3....

the long anticipated trip is coming at last.....

i'm headed to israel!

in november of last year, the study abroad office at apu offered a three week summer study abroad experience to students. knowing that this was the only way i (or my parents) would feel comfortable with a visit to the Holy Land, i figured......yeah......i'll do that.

so here it is at last......we fly out of lax at 9:15 on saturday........and we'll be in jerusalem late sunday afternoon.

disclaimer.......not particularly excited about the ridiculously long flight........but thrilled that i'm able to go regardless. i know there's much to learn and experience......and just too much to fully grasp or even remotely comprehend.

feel free to keep up with our journey. i can't promise consistency......but i will thoroughly enjoy public dialog......a taste from the other side of the "pond."

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