and so it goes...: on hold....continued


on hold....continued

we have an exam in two hours that i should really be studying for.....

so we'll keep this short and come back to it later.

the negev was fantastic.....but temperatures were up there in the lower hundreds. (i hear that it's the same in california, so i wouldn't complain except that we're hiking rather strenuously in these 100s......)

so......for the sake of being's the list of highlights....
  • a re-inaction of david and goliath in the elah valley
  • a swim in the mediterranian sea
  • a defeat of professor duke in nertz (unfortunately, i can't take the credit)
  • a hike through one canyon of wadi zin (in the shephelah...the wilderness of sin/zin)
  • a sunrise hike up and down the masada snake path (4:30am.....and yes, i counted 851 stair steps both ways....the sign said only 700)
  • a "swim" (bobbing) in the dead sea
  • a plunge in the en gedi spring (david's waterfall)
  • a jaunt to cave eleven of the dead sea scrolls
  • several visits to city ruins, caves, tombs and the like
hopefully be back soon for some more "juicy" thoughts on the trip


Hanskee said...

i just went through and read all your blogs from this trip. at least, i think that was all of them. anyway. laura, you amaze me. you consistently say more in a handful of sentences than i could in a page. you provoke more and deeper thoughts than just about anyone else i know, and i am so thankful to God that i know you.

thank you for sharing your time in the Holy Land with us. you truly fire my imagination - and hit an "on" switch in my heart for the middle east that i didn't know was even there.

thank you.

Laurie said...

COUSIN! I'M STILL JEALOUS! I can't wait to see pictures. I miss you and love you!

Stacey said...

what was the dead sea like??? i've always been so intrigued by salty water that you float in.

keast said...

the dead sea felt kinda like gelatin......we bobbed around like was weird being suspended without any effort....but the salt content creates a real intense burning sensation that is slightly less than fun.

aunt said...

Did you get pictures?

Amber Woods said...

A "bob" in the Dead Sea! Did you say Sea Scrolls?!?! jealous!

Anonymous said...