and so it goes...: we lived here


we lived here

kibbutz ha'on......right on the water of the sea of galilee.

it's a very surreal experience....eating a kosher breakfast and kosher dinner on the edge of galilee....the water Jesus walked on (well...maybe not officially those specific molecules of dihydrogen monoxide)....

here, Jesus calmed the storm.... sent demon-filled pigs to their demise.... preached to thousands from a boat in the water.... compelled His disciples to follow and then commissioned them to serve.

and yet....for us it was a beach resort. don't get me wrong, it was wonderful to swim in the lake after a long day in the sun.... and we had fantastic buffet meals in the kibbutz. literally, the only difference between ha'on and a hotel resort were the mezuzahs on every door post. it was just strange.....bizarre....

it's weird that places/objects like these have become so consumed by tourism. the other day, for example....we found a shot glass with Jesus printed on the side.

on the one hand, i can see the almost innocent appeal of such a treasure. who wouldn't want a reminder of the holy land....and maybe Jesus on your shot glass provides some sort of accountability

but really? what is this? why do we rationalize so much just to keep things and to feel okay about things? call me a hypocrite....of course i'm bringing home souvenirs and momentos from jerusalem......but it really is such a silly thing to do.

i want to see the world......and experience places and see the sights of europe, austrailia, name it, i want to go...... but i also want to know the people. i want to know why they're they're the same..... i want to listen to both the palestinian's story and the jew's story.

alas....i only have a few days left!


aunt said...

your back!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yep. You've got it bad. Your comments about wanting to experience the world are exactly how I felt, and continue to feel. My favorite trips are when we go somewhere and stay put for a while and really get a feel for the local people and traditions.

Marry a pilot. It really helps.

Anonymous said...

its so crazy to think you were at the sea of galilee where so many of our stories of Jesus take place

great thoughts on tourism!

Hanskee said...

I have iTunes on shuffle. As I opened this post, "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" started playing. And I looked at your picture... and I listened to the music... and I was enthralled... and then I read about Jesus on a shot glass. What kind of a world do we live in? I know it's not the same, but it reminds me of the money changers at the temple whom Jesus drove out.

Lives again our glorious king
Where, O death, is now thy sting?
Dying once He all doth save
Where thy victory, O grave?

That's not shotglass material.

I'm glad you swam in the Sea of Galillee - even if it doesn't contain the same molecules of dihydrogen monoxide. There's just something about being somewhere where you KNOW HE WAS. OH, MY GOD. LITERALLY.

I love you, Laura.

Stacey said...

you know what your picture looks like?? the lost village. hehe.