and so it goes...: quick thought before my paper


quick thought before my paper

as tyler said......"liturgical chapel is one of those gems..." (or something like that)

i love liturgy
it reminds me of my participation in this family of God that extends beyond borders, denominations, cultures, generations, etc.
during a liturgical service, i am no longer alone in my Christianity
God is no longer engaged in conversation with me alone

WE are together
liturgy = We and God


at least that's what i thought

but what about when liturgy was first composed?

what about this council of nicea, or this spanish inquisition? the crusades? nazi germany? what about all the voices and traditions of the early Church that were ignored in the creation of sayings that would be repeated for centuries in the future?

please don't mis-interpret what i'm saying. i still love liturgy, and will always love the depth and intimacy and communion that comes with participation in traditional sacraments. but if i am going to join in this community that spans generations, then i am going to join in the sins of those have come before me. in some respect, my identity will always be tied to them.

i honestly don't know what to do with that.

amazing grace, how sweet the sound....

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Yes, we will always be tied to them, but there is forgiveness, no? And there is learning from mistakes. We make mistakes on a daily basis that taint the name of Christ, don't we? No, not always as big as those as Nazi Germany and such, but we do them in little jabs and pokes. Why shouldn't those jabs and pokes bother us as much as the big things? I don't know if that makes sense...